(Moved) Outfit7 Games On Scratch | Talking Harry the Hedgehog

(Moved) Outfit7 Games On Scratch | Talking Harry the Hedgehog

by Yabests_New_Account

👁 337 ❤️ 0 ⭐ 0 🔄 3
Created: Aug 25, 2022 Last modified: Nov 3, 2022 Shared: Aug 25, 2022


Credits: -Outfit7 for the 2010 Talking Harry app This is the Scratch version of the Android and iOS app which doesn't exist anymore Note that this project doesn't have the energy drink feature (Yet) (It now does as of 22 Sep 2022) Edits: 29 Nov 2021: -Initial Scratch release (On my old account) 25 Aug 2022: -Remixed the original project -Some minor gameplay improvements -Replaced assets with extracted ones from an .ipa of this file, which you can find from here: https://archive.org/download/zomka-archive-1 28 Aug 2022: -Better quality idle photo 15 Sep 2022: -We have now updated the SplashScreen and added a badge in the bottom of the thumbnail (Disclaimer: The new SplashScreen isn't an official one used by Outfit7, but we made it) -Replaced buttons with the ones from the iPad version of this app which the resources of this project have been extracted from 22 Sep 2022: -Changed the how to play instructions in the instructions section of this project (No modification has been done to the actual project when we modified its instructions on how to play it) -Finally added the karate and bullet dodge modes We moved this project, check it out at @-YacineOnScratch- or right here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/749075199/


How to play: -Type something to Harry and look at him repeat everything with no voice. -Poke Harry to make him do something that idk what it is. -Make him stick his tongue out. -Make a cloud rain down on Harry. The cloud goes away after 5 seconds. -Give him a blue energy drink and he enters karate mode. -Give him a red energy drink and he enters bullet dodge mode. -Try to touch him or type something to him, while he is in karate/bullet dodge mode. -- THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW THIS TEXT ARE FOR STUFF THAT ARE KNOWN TO COME SOON TO THIS PROJECT -- -Nothing (Because we added everything already)

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #608461435
Original Project
Project #495105764

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