by buldier

👁 155,291 ❤️ 3,740 ⭐ 3,412 🔄 417
Created: Aug 24, 2022 Last modified: Nov 30, 2024 Shared: Aug 25, 2022


!!!NEW VERSION GOT UPLOADED!!! After 20 years, scratch deemed my project worthy enough to be on this website As for update stuff, i kinda forgot most of it but here is some spoilers: Mines seek chase is way better now, contains way more content than before, which was barebones Some pressure entities are here now! Mines exclusive! They might be not accurate though, since i wasnt that into pressure when i was making this update, which was a long time ago Giggles got some changes? I forgot really And BUG FIXES, i remember a lot... Oh yeah item holding somewhat works, might be buggy though... Pls send skins, ik this project is dead but common, we can squeeze a little more Another Super Duper Secret Yes there are credits :D Check skeldy21, pro123omg123 and omegadavid777 mynameisgian239, DECKOCARDS, Rajastegaking projects! I used some scripts or art. from their games. Remember to check this game sometimes to see every update! :D (There was a secret but got removed in case a scratch developer calls me again over a joke) These are totally not copied tags #roblox #doors #robloxdoors #fun #trending #popular #scary #figure #screech #eyes #seek #halt #rush #games #all #games #all #games #all #games #all #A-90 #floor2 #mines #game #depression #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #All #games Yes, i get it, backdoor/joke event/halloween event exist


Instructions (how to move, pick up books ect) below ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ This is a recreation of roblox doors... Epilepsy and sound warning. Headphones recommended. If you like the game... give it a like! This game is in Alpha; Many things are subject to change, and some things may break. -{Click flag 2 times so project will work properly}- Controls: -Items: 1 (On keyboard) to activate them -Move: Mouse control, W and S -Hide in closet: E -Collect book from door 50: E -Place fuses in a generator: E -Reset Achievements: L (Warning! It will also reset your game) This game is not done yet! Game has currently 53 rooms 16 Monsters (Including Jeff) Rush rushes... Ambush ambushes... Eyes stare at everyone... Seek seeks you... Figure is figuring out how to open doors... Screech...PSST... Glitch glitches... Halt halts speedrunners's speedrun... (umpssheep21) Seek eyes are creepy... Jeff is the killer :D... El Goblino is gambling..... Hide hides... Dupe dupes... Giggle giggles... There are 2 more but they are super rare to get ⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫ Expect these monsters to appear in the game!

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