Mario's Castle Calamity

Mario's Castle Calamity

by Luigi_Rulez

👁 2,439 ❤️ 189 ⭐ 181 🔄 11
Created: Aug 17, 2022 Last modified: Aug 22, 2022 Shared: Aug 22, 2022


If you enjoyed my animation, please like and favorite this! A follow would also be nice. I'm almost at 200! Mario sometimes disappears in Attempt 2, so restart the project if that happens. Check out more of my animations here. I've seen so much Castle Calamitys I decided to make my own! I've released another animation quickly. I've recently been posting animations once a couple months. So, I'm going to try to start making an animation once 1-2 weeks. And I actually added lip sync in one of my animations for once! CREDIT: Inspired by Level Up Sprites made by Nintendo, music, etc. Explosion not made by me Nerf guns not made by me. I used bitmap to pixelate it. Animation made by me Custom Sprites Made by me. NintendoGamer65 for some inspiration, so check out his castle calamity. And that's all.

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