Angry Birds Scratch | Wave 1: The Original Trilogy

Angry Birds Scratch | Wave 1: The Original Trilogy

by GameWolf-Studios

👁 2,515 ❤️ 87 ⭐ 85 🔄 13
Created: Aug 10, 2022 Last modified: Jun 9, 2023 Shared: Aug 28, 2022


#games #all #angry-birds Very special thanks to the developer of Angry Birds Famicom for the music. I love the 8-bit tracks All graphics and code are made by me. Version History: v1.2.4 (IMPORTANT) The scratch website has limited my data use on this project of Angry Birds but the game's not over yet. The adventure Continues as Wave 2 is coming soon with Danger Above, The Big Setup and a brand new custom episode. Stay Tuned v1.2.3: A Bounce Pad is added into the game as well as 6 new levels for Danger Above v1.2.2: Hal is introduced in the newest level of Danger Above. Christmas Update also added and test of fall damage is added v1.2: A New Savecode system has been added so more episodes can be added.The Marena Triangle Is Also Constructed v1.1.3 The Halloween Update: This is the update that introduced a spooky theme to the game when the 2 week halloween span is reached. It also introduces a new character for the Marena Triangle, Mateo Flamel. Can burp out fireballs in the direction you choose with the tap of the screen. Check him out in the newest level; Burning Bridges v1.1 Mighty Hoax is now complete v1.0.4: Save and load system added for Stars and Mighty Eagle Scores v1.0: Poached Eggs Completed! Game Officially released


Angry Birds Recreated in Scratch The game works just like the game drag the slingshot back and then release the bird. You can click on the screen after a shot to unleash their special abilities. Poached Eggs, Mighty Hoax and a Custom Episode Called The Marena Triangle in more than just a lazy Angry Birds ripoff. Contains custom Levels to cope with the physics engine of the game. About the physics engine, I noticed that's why most angry birds games aren't good on here, because there is no physics to the game. So I developed a physics system that applies mass onto the bricks and velocity to them too. The high score can't save for a specific person like angry birds friends, if someone can teach me that'd be amazing.

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