

by That1Arcader_T1A

👁 207 ❤️ 12 ⭐ 10 🔄 2
Created: Jun 4, 2022 Last modified: Sep 12, 2023 Shared: Sep 12, 2023


Most code is taken from Griffpatch's raycaster tutorial series on YouTube, the MIDI sprite is by RokCoder, the map is made by me, the weapons are from GMod, the wall textures are from the Faithful 32x Minecraft texture pack ( and Google, the objects are from Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. To-do list: Add support for larger maps, give NPCs pathfinding, give weapons functionality, add reloading animations, make enemies attack, opaque and transparent textures/walls, objects that emit light. Tags: #raycaster #raycasting #raycast #3d #retro 7/4/2022 alpha 1: First alpha, basically a slightly modified version of my Wolfenstein raycaster with new weapons and better player physics and some new graphics. Very unfinished. 7/18/2022 alpha 2: Added head bobbing, added looking up and down, added an animated title screen, and removed unused assets and scripts. 8/9/2022 alpha 3: Changed name of alpha 1.5 to alpha 2, added new textures, added texture loading and a loading screen, added screenshot mode, updated zooming, updated controls (shift is sprint in TurboWarp), you can now center your camera with V, added Floppa World, boosted FPS from ~20 FPS to 30 FPS (TurboWarp) 8/10/2022 alpha 4: Maps can now be larger than the stage (TurboWarp only), added a new room (TurboWarp only), fixed some bugs related to the option menu, fixed several bugs related to the zoom feature 8/16/2022 alpha 5: Added render distance (was meant to be added in alpha 4), reduced file size 8/19/2022 alpha 6: Simplified raycasting and rendering scripts, optimized rendering accuracy even more, separated long scripts into custom blocks, added higher res textures 8/22/2022 alpha 7: Added anti-aliasing option and partial gamepad support 9/18/2022 alpha 8: Added RokCoder's MIDI Toolkit, added master and music volume options 9/30/2022 alpha 9: Added a new retro-looking fog effect, added reflections on the floors, replaced objects with Wolfentein 3D objects to fit the retro style closer, added a few new objects to the map.


Play with Microsoft Edge on TurboWarp for the best performance: CONTROLS: WASD - Move Arrow Keys - Look Q/Shift - Run E - Attack P - Pause H - Screenshot mode V - Center camera Z - Zoom in/zoom out NOTE: This project abides by Scratch's community guidelines and features no violent content. :)

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