Paper Minecraft 1.19 Wild update
by Future-Pro-1
IMPORTANT NOTICE: every one read the instructions without missing a single one. ...pss..pss... pls bother to like it, it took ages to complete this... Thanks for it can only play this file... And Thanks to you who liked it ;)
HEY! Looking for that link? First download this link - > Then open on your website > Select File option > Select Load from your computer > Select your link > Then about 2mins later YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MINECRAFT WITHOUT PAYING IT! ... NOW PLS BOTHER TO LIKE IT PLS... it full... [1 to 9] - Select Item [Click] - Place or Mine [WASD] - Move / Jump [E] - Open/Close Inventory [E+hover] - Open / Close Chest, Crafting Table, Door [Space] - Drop single tile from a stack while dragging. [F] - Eat food [N] - Label a sign or chest [Q] - Drop item [P] - Pause / Unpause [T] - Talk / Command [O] - Save your game [M] - Music / Sounds [Shift] - Sprint [Z] - Left hand(for Holding sheid,totem etc.) [H] - Lucky surprise (+ penalty too he he ) [R (in water only)] - fast swimming [Up then right or left] - Use Elytra [G] - (glitch)64 Air which you cant place nor mine [Hold U and I ] - Shows, you know...UI
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