Raise a Floppa 2D v0.7

Raise a Floppa 2D v0.7

by amongusbetatester

👁 47 ❤️ 1 ⭐ 0 🔄 1
Created: May 28, 2022 Last modified: Jul 16, 2024 Shared: May 28, 2022


All credit goes to @RaiseAFloppaOfficial and @ShiiroShogun (original creator) on Roblox. v0.1 Changelog: Added food bag instead of auto-refill, if you are having issues, tell me in the comments! v0.2 Changelog: Added multiplayer (poggers) v0.3 Changelog: Added the ability to buy multiple floppa food bags at once, so you can make something out of food bags! v0.4 Changelog: Added the interwebs Added auto clicker Added mini flopp v0.5 Changelog: added less delay between hunger decrease so you have to feed him more frequently v0.6 Changelog: added altar (useless for now) v0.7 Changelog: updated floppa sprite (thank you @ScratchCat432133) added background (also thank you @ScratchCat432133) new eating sound (at this point i hired @ScratchCat432133) kinda discontinued multiplayer since it isnt really that popular, maybe itch.io will be discontinued too, since i dont wanna waste my time on this, and also you will lose your save everytime you update Multiplayer: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/697886846/


You wanted Raise a Floppa 2, but you got Raise a Floppa 2D instead :/ Click floppa for money (IN-GAME) Click Macintosh to open the interwebs If Floppa's hunger is below 50 and touches the bowl, he will eat. If Floppa's hunger is below 50, the music will be low-pitched, so take that as a sign to buy food. I am currently working on Raise a Floppa 2D 2, since Raise a Floppa 2 released.

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