osu! Full Remake

osu! Full Remake

by VeCt0rIs

👁 27 ❤️ 0 ⭐ 0 🔄 2
Created: May 23, 2022 Last modified: May 23, 2022 Shared: May 23, 2022


★ osu! standard Full Remake on Scratch! Click the circles to the beat. Please play it on TurboWarp for the best experience! • https://turbowarp.org/613688710/ Features: • Highly accurate to the original game • Beatmap import from the actual osu! game (instructions below) • Mods =================================== Check out osu! Mania v3 by OliBomby! • https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/220672247/ Beatmaps are changed every month. Feel free to give suggestions in the comments! @GarboMuffin, the maker of TurboWarp and Forkphorus, loved this project on 31/12/2021! It was an honor. 10k views on 15/1/2022! Thank you for all the support. 65,535 views on 28/3/2022! It is the biggest number for an unsigned 16-bit integer. =================================== How to play: • Circles: CLICK the circles as soon as the outer circle touches the inner circle. • Sliders: CLICK the slider, HOLD the mouse button/Z/X down, and FOLLOW the the slider until the end. • Spinners: HOLD down the mouse button/Z/X and SPIN the cursor around the center of the screen in one direction. Mouse button/Z/X : Click P (double press) : Quit game Scroll : Change volume/Scroll -/= : Decrease/increase local beatmap offset (hold SHIFT for precise adjustments) Tip: Press F11 (Windows) to go fullscreen! =================================== How to import beatmaps from osu!: PLEASE GIVE CREDIT TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF THE BEATMAP! At any time, press on the empty space beside the list to cancel the import process. [Step 1] Use TurboWarp. [Step 2.1] Locate the beatmap's OSU file (NOT OSZ) of your choice. It is usually located in AppData > Local > osu! > Songs > (song name). You can also run osu! and open your song folder from there. [Step 2.2] If you only have the OSZ file, use your osu! client to extract the files. Alternatively, open it as a ZIP file and extract its contents. [Step 3] Convert the OSU file into TXT. There are 3 ways to do this. (Note that no. 3 might not always work) 1. Open the OSU file using a text editor such as Notepad++. Save the file as a TXT by adding the extension ".txt" (without the quote) at the end. 2. Convert the OSU file into TXT online. You can visit document.online-convert.com/convert-to-txt 3. Copy the OSU file and paste it somewhere. Rename the file and change the extension into .txt (Please do so on the COPIED file. Do not modify the original files). [Step 4] Press "See inside" (top right). [Step 5] Upload your song in the sprite called Audio Files. [Step 6] Crop your background image into 4:3 aspect ratio. Upload it in the sprite called Background. [Step 7] Resize the image so that it fits exactly in the entire 480 x 360 canvas. Don't leave any empty space. [Step 8] While still seeing inside, press the Green Flag. [Step 9] Press Import. [Step 10] Right click on the list that appears and press import. [Step 11] Select the TXT file from Step 3. If a dialog appears, leave it empty and press OK. [Step 12] Enter the audio filename from Step 2 WITHOUT THE EXTENSION (no .mp3, .wav, etc.). [Step 13] Enter the background image filename from Step 3 WITHOUT THE EXTENSION (no .jpg, .png, etc.). [Step 14] Wait until the beatmap is processed. Do not click anything. Otherwise, the import process would be canceled.

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #613688710
Original Project
Project #613688710