Light Scattering Demonstration - 2D Pathtracing

Light Scattering Demonstration - 2D Pathtracing

by SpinningCube

👁 962 ❤️ 104 ⭐ 77 🔄 5
Created: Feb 25, 2022 Last modified: Jul 24, 2023 Shared: Feb 28, 2022


Thanks to @griffpatch for the "Find Normal" block. Check out @squirrelsRcool's similar project: This project is a 2D path tracer. Every frame, many samples are explored and accumulated. For each sample, a ray is sent in a random direction from the light source, after which it bounces several times off of the scene surfaces. This simulates the phenomenon of global illumination. For each bounce, it loses a bit of intensity, picks a random direction from the surface, and goes in that direction. I use the pen extension to trace the light paths and illuminate the scene. I designed various scenes for the light to travel through. Some look more like floor plans, others are more abstract. For the thumbnail, I ran the simulation in Scene 11 and took screenshots at different durations. The final image is a combination of all the images which I made using external software. It's kind of like merging multiple exposures to make an HDR image. #Math #Simulation #Light #Lighting #Ray #Raycaster #Raytracer #Raytracing #Raytrace #Global #Illumination #Reflections


Use Turbo Mode by either: - shift-clicking the green flag - See inside > Edit > Turn on Turbo Mode If you want it to run even faster, use TurboWarp: Hover your mouse in the upper-right corner to reveal the "Scene" slider. You can also drag the light source to a different position.

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