Is Griffpatch following you? (social connections experiment) #all

Is Griffpatch following you? (social connections experiment) #all

by Mr-Mathmatical

👁 73,664 ❤️ 7,383 ⭐ 6,432 🔄 74
Created: Feb 19, 2022 Last modified: Jun 8, 2022 Shared: Feb 19, 2022


------------------------------------------------------------------------ This project is no longer supported and will no longer work. Stay tuned for future projects by me! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: All data was collected before 19/02/22. If you are using this project in the future, it might not be 100% accurate. New Scratchers cannot use this project, unfortunately. Ever wondered how closely connected you were to @griffpatch? Now you can find out! Enter your username to find out how many steps it takes for griffpatch to follow you. Your 'griffpatch number' describes the distance between you and griffpatch. For example, @griffpatch follows @Will_Wam, so @Will_Wam has a griffpatch number of 1. However, @Will_Wam is also following @-Cinematic-, so @-Cinematic- has a griffpatch number of 2. @griffpatch himself has a griffpatch number of 0. Most users have a griffpatch number of 5. Around 1,200,000 users have a griffpatch number of 4 (1% of users) Around 130,000 users have a griffpatch number of 3 (0.15% of users) Around 3000 users have a griffpatch number of 2 (0.003% of users) 43 users have a griffpatch number of 1 (0.00005% of all users), in other words griffpatch directly follows them. And of course, only @griffpatch has a griffpatch number of 0. If your griffpatch number is undefined, then there is no 'follow chain' that connects you to @griffpatch. Pen text engine made by @-Rex- Music is 'Quaternions' by Vincent Rubinetti. #all #trending

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