Sunset Forest: FULL SONG

Sunset Forest: FULL SONG

by robertthecogman

👁 49 ❤️ 4 ⭐ 4 🔄 0
Created: Feb 10, 2022 Last modified: Feb 25, 2022 Shared: Feb 25, 2022


c2e. (you may have to click flag twice, and, also, this is a press space type of project. Sorry. I've just never done these types of On Scratch Islands, before. Also uh for just a simple listening mode, press y.) "Welp, Treechoir, that was actually quite fun! We'll have to do that again, sometime!" "Hmm...Hold up, Blocktopous, Do you hear... music?" "Yeah, I do." "Everyone, set course for... THE SKIES!" "Aww man, do I have to walk?"


Welp. Here we are! The island you've all been waiting for! A leafy specimen known as "Treechoir" has invited ALL of these monsters to come to the island! Why, you may ask? Well, you may think it could be just for a party, right? Heheh, WRONG! There exists a legend of a scarecrow that has been spotted across the entire On Scratch universe, and, we believe it means harm. We also have a theory that this certain scarecrow (Scarro) might have originally been a little harmless head with two chicks living in it. That is, until, "the big one" turned it into this beast. Our only hope is to destroy any trace of it. So, join us, as we have the biggest adventure on this account yet! But, of course, ON SCRATCH! RealAlfieYT222, if your watching this, and, if you are reading this (in which I hope you are), I have something to tell you. I love you. You are the center of my universe. You give me light, in these dark times. You are the reason why i'm even still here, in the first place. I make these projects both because I want to make them, and, because, I'm always excited to hear your opinion, on them. Everyday, I think of you. You have as much randomness inside of you as I do, which is what i've always wanted if I had a companion. Someone who is as funny and weird as I. I love you, Alfie. I'll always love you, and, I just wanna know if you love me. Even if you say "no", I'll still always love you. And, eventually, when it's my time to leave this site for good, I'll never forget you. I made this island for you, cause, well, it's your birthday today, and, another reason is because I love you so much, that, words can't even say it. Thank you for coming into my scratch life. ~ Robertthecogman, 2022.

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