Windows Error Maker [V1.5]

Windows Error Maker [V1.5]

by Tutuco2021

👁 1,315 ❤️ 44 ⭐ 41 🔄 7
Created: Feb 5, 2022 Last modified: Oct 14, 2023 Shared: Jan 14, 2023


when finished, press [PrtScr] (can appear [PrtSc] in some keyboards) and then upload the image to the project you want. how to make a fake error in the real windows: inside, there is a hidden sprite sheet! thanks to: @camck and @turtle3117 for sounds, jdgirl3275 for the 1.3 new icons! character limit in title: 22 character limit in message: 60 / 2 full text lines Change log: v1.0 - Game release v1.1 - Added Win95 style v1.2 - Added 12 new error icons (28 - 39) v1.2.1 - Added 1 new error icon (40) v1.3 - Added 8 new error icons (41 - 49) v1.4 - Added 22 new error icons (50 - 71) v1.4.1 - Added BSOD if you break the limits v1.5 - Added 11 new buttons (21 - 31) and made the game start faster


Characters avaible (both for title and message): A B C D E F G H J I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ñ Ë Ü Ý space blank a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 . / \ , - _ ( ) ! ? ñ ý ü ë icons: 0 - no icon 1 - XP X 2 - XP i 3 - XP ? 4 - ! 5 - 95 i 6 - 95 ? 7 - XP trash full 8 - XP logo 9 - 95 logo 10 - cake 11 - computer 12 - key and lock 13 - 95 X 14 - 95 trash 15 - XP logo + key and lock 16 - XP logo + computer 17 - XP logo + X 18 - XP logo + ! 19 - computer + X 20 - computer + key and lock 21 - computer + trash 22 - computer + ! 23 - hard disk/floppy disk 24 - internet explorer 25 - toxic / radiation / nuke 26 - 95 trash full 27 - Prohibited sign 28 - Idiot 29 - Cookie of luck 30 - 95 Computer icon 31 - Lamp 32 - Skull 33 - Skull with crossed bones 34 - Hammer 35 - OOF icon 36 - Windows 9 logo 37 - Windows 12 logo 38 - Windows 1.0 logo 39 - Windows 10 logo 40 - Windows 7 X 41 - Windows 98 X 42 - Running guy 43 - Screw 44 - Setup icon 45 - Defrag icon 46 - Hotkey 47 - Linux sign 48 - Windows 95 FCabinet 49 - Dead disk 50 - Cow 51 - Motor 52 - MS-DOS 53 - Disk pile 54 - 95/98 Information book 55 - Illuminati 56 - Apple icon 57 - Mail 58 - Mail Failed 59 - Keys 60 - Butterfly 61 - 95 File search 62 - Bomb 63 - TNT 64 - Bomb Grenade 65 - Mailbox 66 - Golden screw 67 - Mouth 68 - Aquatic plant 69 - Heart 70 - Newspaper 71 - Recycle ------------------------------------------------------------------------- buttons (for both 3 buttons): 0 - no button 1 - OK 2 - No 3 - Yes 4 - Cancel 5 - Maybe 6 - Oh. OK! 7 - OH NO! 8 - So? 9 - What? 10 - Later 11 - Next 12 - OOF. 13 - aaahhh... 14 - bruh 15 - 16 - abcdefg 17 - holy 18 - banana 19 - uhhhh 20 - I don't care 21 - Finish 22 - Previous 23 - Back 24 - BSOD 25 - Restart 26 - Shutdown 27 - Log off 28 - Maybe 29 - SUS 30 - Huh? 31 - I can explain press space to start an error sound!

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