Behemoth Vector (Trevor Henderson)

Behemoth Vector (Trevor Henderson)

by omegadavid777

👁 1,039 ❤️ 30 ⭐ 28 🔄 8
Created: Jan 16, 2022 Last modified: Jan 17, 2022 Shared: Jan 17, 2022


Credit to Trevor Henderson for the original monster (Name and body were given by fans) Credit to Cooltext for the stylized text on the thumbnail Credit to @cs936949 for the Thumbnail code Credit to whoever made the Roar sounds Credit to Aakash Gandhi for the Music Credit to the Trevor Henderson wiki for the Behemoth Bio


Click for Roar The Behemoth is an enormous creature made by artist Trevor Henderson. It is a member of an infamous species of massive creatures known as The Giants, although this particular creature is estimated to be the largest of them all, measuring up to a few hundreds of kilometers in both height and length. It also possesses many unique abilities. All of these made it one of the most famous Giants that Trevor has ever made.

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