3D Editor v0.1.0

3D Editor v0.1.0

by SuperEndless

👁 39,218 ❤️ 1,485 ⭐ 1,250 🔄 54
Created: Dec 16, 2021 Last modified: Oct 7, 2023 Shared: Apr 7, 2022


⭐Music Rhythm Game⭐: Square Battle x Cyberpunk Edgerunners https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/657315395/ ⬆️Challenge your speed! Can you break the world record? ^v^⬆️ Released Date: 07-04-2022 #3D #games #3d


OBJ Example 3D models: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ai7B_0RkTBqwgqx6HRl5Esi4ywNqnA?e=F1neYJ 〓 Tutorial 〓 Tutorial made by Oloid: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ja411v7sr/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=a077ff251acd0b5d499cf29cbfeacdeb you ⭐Music Rhythm Game⭐: Square Battle x Cyberpunk Edgerunners https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/657315395/ ⬆️Challenge your speed! Can you break the world record? ^v^⬆️ 〓 About this project 〓 You can import a mesh into this 3D Editor for editing it, or just create a new mesh by creating vertices! This is just the demo version, hope you enjoy it.⭐ 〓 Control 〓 WASD - move QE - go up and down Arrow Keys - rotate around Click the vertices to edit and connect them, and you can click the create vertex button to generate a new vertex. You can find some awesome 3D models on the internet and import the .obj file~ ^v^ Enjoy~ 〓 TurboWarp 〓 https://turbowarp.org/617712823/ Strongly advise using TurboWarp to get higher fps. 〓 Reminding 〓 DO NOT advertise on the comment below, I will report any advertisement.

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