Netflix Simulator

Netflix Simulator

by Shulav-1000

👁 42,431 ❤️ 2,681 ⭐ 2,202 🔄 132
Created: Nov 22, 2021 Last modified: Dec 4, 2021 Shared: Nov 22, 2021


I got inspired by Paper Nexflix! :) If you apparently don't like Netflix you can check out my Youtube simulator: If you dont like both you can check out my TikТok simulator! Some of you are asking "Why can't you add more or make longer episodes" If I add more stuff my project will crash and be unable to use. I know this because it happened to my TikTok simulator. I got it back thanks to turbowarp! I've added the max amount I can add XD and saving a copy before editing on the shared version so if it breaks it doesn't affect the original project :)


Click the green flag and relax get some popcorn and watch Netflix on scratch! Click the profile picture to change it to whatever you want! HIGH CHANCE it will lag due to large file sizes but click the green flag again if it lags. Watch in full screen! (Recommended) Click the show to watch it. If it's still lagging check out the faster turbowarp version!

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