First 20,000 Unicode Symbols

First 20,000 Unicode Symbols

by Dinosu

👁 531 ❤️ 22 ⭐ 18 🔄 2
Created: Sep 18, 2021 Last modified: Aug 1, 2023 Shared: Sep 18, 2021


This is a list of what comes up when you do the above for the first 20,000 numbers. Backpack this list and use without credit. This list could be useful for things such as encode/decode for nearly any character. I made this by using a Python script to write the unicode to a text file, then I imported that into a Scratch list.


If you are on Chrome, try doing ctrl+shift+U in any text box. Then type 2af8 right after that and press space. This character should show up: ⫸. This works for many, many combinations of numbers, and this giant collection of symbols makes up all the unicode characters.

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