Brawl Stars (Game 1)

Brawl Stars (Game 1)

by Mr-Zed

👁 1,734 ❤️ 56 ⭐ 52 🔄 6
Created: Sep 17, 2021 Last modified: Nov 16, 2022 Shared: Sep 17, 2021


This game is no longer being worked on. Play the latest game for a better experience! Credits: Brawl Stars belongs to Supercell. Pins, most sound effects, and voice lines came from Brawl Stars! The people that I had taken code and sprites from had their games deleted, so I can't seem to find them. A few of the people that I remember are @L_O_A_D_I_N_G (The creator of the original game) and @Sunny313. I also used some code and sprites from @dartdang. Some old code may be from @JN_wrekz. Some Brawlers are made by me, and some use math (Colette) that took a lot of time to estimate and calculate. Notes: The game may have some bugs. Make sure to comment bugs you find here: (Some features are hard to program which results in the game not being fully like the real Brawl Stars.) Known bugs: -Sprout's super can trap robots and itself inside of the wall. (Working on reworking Sprout's super!) -Bea's ammo bar being very buggy. -8-Bit's turret not appearing when there are multiple turrets. -Other bugs relating to layering, attacking, or aiming. Thanks for reading! Here, have the most overpowered brawler in the game! Use the code: Release


Play all of the Brawl Stars games here: Welcome to Brawl Stars in Scratch! -Play every single Brawler in the real game! (With all games.) -Equip your favorite skins! -Get new high scores! -Look out for codes! (Hint: look at the ads that appear when you stop the project! Some codes will also be hidden around the game and some codes may also be in my other projects!) (Some Brawlers that are extremely strong will need a code!) Controls: Mouse - Aim Space - Attack E - Super Q - Gadget W,A,S,D - Move May take a while to load. Be patient! (You can skip the start by clicking the screen and loading bar.) Lag will occur when there are more robots. Please tell me if a brawler is too weak or overpowered or if there is an unknown bug here: Secret? Legacy:

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