MRT: The Game

MRT: The Game

by calster1800

👁 564 ❤️ 25 ⭐ 23 🔄 4
Created: Sep 8, 2021 Last modified: Aug 27, 2024 Shared: Sep 13, 2021


Vote the Steam skin for it to stay! If more than 5 people vote for it to stay, the Steam Skin will remain for all. Our Dev Team: @calster1800 @JetChicken @monster0606 @zjplays10101 NEW UPDATE! Introducing... SEASONS! Every season will have a different theme and different designs. Also, a new skin will be added every season. Lines are now added to the game. The more credits you have, the harder and faster the game will be. You can unlock new lines to make your game more challenging. So... you are a train. The further you go without crashing, the more your passengers will pay you. The more they pay you, the more coins you have. The more coins you have, the more... well you get the idea. You can switch lines and explore new areas you have never seen before! Also, you can customize skins! Customise your own skin and stand a chance to be selected! Chug through the stations and remember, DONT CRASH! iMake Link: Version History: v0.1: Gameplay v0.18: Bug Fixes v0.2: Play Button v0.25: Designs (Play) v0.3: Homepage v0.4: Skins v0.5: Inventory Skins v0.6: Seasons v0.65: Volume v0.67: Volume Fixes v0.7: Cloud Save v0.8: Cloud Save (IMPROVED) v0.9: Pre-game Reramp v0.95: Line Fixes v1.00: Game release v1.05: S1 Old Railway v1.1: Lines v1.15: Gameplay bug fixes v1.2: EW Line v1.23: iMake v1.25: NE Line v1.27: Balance Changes (EW) v1.3: Circle Line v1.35: Backdrop Designs v1.37: Bug Fixes v1.4: S2 BTS Army v1.45: Downtown Line v1.48: Balance Changes v1.5: Mobile Mode v1.52: New Designs v1.55: Tips v1.57: Riddle Function v1.6: Non-Cloud Save v1.65: Thomson-East Coast Line v1.7: S3 Rails of the Rising Sun v1.75: S4 Welcome to Sentosa! v1.8: S5 #BRAG v1.81: S6 Rails of the Lanterns Season List: 1: Old Railway (12 September - 25 September) 2: BTS Army (26 September - 16 October) 3. Rails of the Rising Sun (17 October - 6 November) 4. Welcome to Sentosa! (7 November - 27 November) 5. #BRAG (28 November - 29 January) 6. Rails of the Lanterns (30 January - 20 March) Skin Winners for next season: Not chosen yet


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