Sonic Hurricane Demo

Sonic Hurricane Demo

by science_raja

👁 1,141 ❤️ 46 ⭐ 47 🔄 7
Created: Sep 7, 2021 Last modified: Apr 15, 2022 Shared: Sep 7, 2021


- SONIC HURRICANE - Sonic Hurricane This takes a while to load, so, Use Turbowarp for less lag: Welcome To Sonic: Into the Hurricane Demo! Press Space to start We used and developed @user_Matteo engine remix from @LCB456_test original test engine, So credits to these guys. ========================================= Sonic: Arrow keys to move Z to jump Z in the air to air dash/homing attack X to boost/air boost C on the ground to slide C in the air to use the bounce bracelet (Jump Bounce) Down arrow in the air to stomp Down arrow on the ground not moving to crouch Down arrow on the ground and moving to roll __________________________________________ Heavily inspired by SEGA. ================= CREDITS ============== Engine by: @LCB456_test Sonic Sprites OG by: @FlamingFoxProd Sonic Boost Aura by FrostTheHobidon on Deviant Art Music: - Green Hills: BowMastur on MuseScore Original Green Hills theme is by Masato Nakamura Sounds: - Jason Griffith (Sonic Voice) - Uberduck ai (Custom Sonic Voice) by ShadowTB - Sound Effects (Unknown Source, OG by SEGA™ and Sonic Team™) - Assets (Badniks, Rings, Dashrings) Unknown Source, OG by SEGA™ and Sonic Team™ - Spring Sprites by @magneto_hero - Title made using the NISESEGASONIC font (Note: If you happen to know where some of these assets came from, please tell me in the comments bellow) I do not have the rights to use Sonic Sonic is owned by SEGA™ and Sonic Team™ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #Sonic #Forces #Hurricane #Engine #Demo

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