OC Storage

OC Storage

by Maybe_Once

👁 128 ❤️ 12 ⭐ 7 🔄 0
Created: Aug 31, 2021 Last modified: Feb 17, 2022 Shared: Feb 9, 2022


All art is by me unless stated otherwise. Species belong to their respective owners. I'm open to suggestion for both art tips and names for unnamed ones ugh most of my art in this is SO old....


1. Olivia: (oh-lii-vii-ah) she/her (human) 2. Wyspir: (wii-spi-rr) she/they (cat) 3. Nolia: (no-lie-ah) she/they (monsutagato) Monsutagatos are made by @dinosaurnerd1000 4. Acho: (ah-ch-o) she/her (pupsprout) Pupsprouts are made by @Lavender_Milk 5. Bushu: (boo-shoe) they/them (grey fox/hosta bloominal) Bloominals are made by @SenaSong212 6. Angri Baen: (ang-rii b-ean) he/him (unknown) Won in a DTA. I forget the designer. 7. Grimzal and Lazmirg: (grim-zahl lahz-merg) he/him (unknown) Art and design by @f-fubuki. Grim is the black head, Laz is yellow. 8. Scorpion and Thoon: (scor-pi-on th-oon) S- she/her T- he/him (SandWing and Red-tailed Hawk) 9. Li: (lee) she/her (CatDragon) The Food-Cat war was created by @Tealfang and @Conduit7 10. Ki: (ki) he/him (CatDragon) 11. Deyps: (deeps) it/its (unknown) Art and design by @Shaded-Ink 12. Moriti: (more-e-tee) he/him (shapeshifting cat anthro/human) Art and design by @LizN_ 13. Moriti again: This drawing's by me. 14. Drought: (drou-ght) she/they (tellekit) Tellekits made by @_spicymango. 15. Rikklin: (rik-lin) she/they (demon) 16. TBN: ( ) unknown (unknown) 17. Kahliah: (kuh-lie-ah) she/her (fey) 18. Mylo: (my-low) she/her (anthro dog-thing) 19. Glowdog: (glow-dog) he/him or they/them (fire elemental dog) Art and design by W1ld4641. 20. Wish: (wii-shh) she/they (fairy/elf) 21. Slayd: (s-laid) she/her (Horned Hound) Horned Hounds by Andrew Peterson, author of the Wingfeather Saga 22. Ahl'kara: (ahl-car-ah) it/its (allosaurus) 23. Carri: (carr-ie) she/her (pumpkat) Pumpkats belong to @Floofy_Raptor889 24. Roxanne: (rocks-ann) vey/vem (cat) Art and design by @Quibli-fan15 25. Nayra: (nay-rah) she/her (Hateno Villager) Hatenans belong to Nintendo 26. Red: (rehd) he/it (cat) Art and design by @INKY_idk 27. Vuul: (vole) he/they (volcano dog) Art and design by @CreateFrog 28: Roslinda (ross-lin-dah) they/her (potion cat) Art and design by @CreateFrog 29. Flinder (flinn-derr) he/it (canine-thing) Art and design by @CreateFrog 30. Rool and Twys (rule twiss) they/them (unknown) Art and design by @CreateFrog 31. Korrocc (cor-rock) she/they (wendigo)

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