3D Snakes

3D Snakes

by Scratch-Minion

👁 78,339 ❤️ 1,295 ⭐ 1,041 🔄 41
Created: Aug 30, 2021 Last modified: Sep 30, 2021 Shared: Sep 17, 2021


* It looks easy but I find the game challenging! When you start, getting a Score of 4 is quite good! Amazing world records @Maths-lafontaine 68,49,48 * If it seems like the Snake often turns the wrong way then you need to practice in "God Mode" (see above). Without the pressure of avoiding walls, see the Snake always turn left or its right as instructed. Also see my "Scratch Cat Dash 3D": https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/562824044/ Some Coding and Design Challenges ============================= The Snake Direction may change on a new cube face. Directions on each cube face are determined by the order that its 4 vertices are listed in the face definition. For the four "sides" of the cube, directions are easy: 1 is Up, 2 is Right, 3 is Down, and 4 is Left. The Snake can move Up onto the top face of the cube. Directions are different for the top face and on it the Snake may be moving Up, Right, Down, or Left. Every Snake move "Up, Right, Down, or Left" on any face must be matched by by an equal and opposite rotation of the cube around the appropriate X, Y or Z axis so that the Snake is always on a face that the player can see. Unlike my other 3D projects, the cube must rotate about it's own X,Y,Z axes not world X,Y,Z axes. There are no side walls in a 3D game of Snakes. The walls are placed so that the player cannot rest and leave the Snake going round and round the cube in any direction without hitting a wall. The project is 3D. Links and Credits ============= 3D Tutorial Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5040029/ Polyhedron Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5085215/ Huge thanks to @TheLogFather for his Fast Triangle Fill custom block. Sounds: "Deflate" by editing the sound "Scream 2" from the Scratch Sound Library. (slower and trimmed). Keywords: Game Games Snakes Slither Animation Pen 3D


Use <Arrow> keys to turn Snake. Avoid crashing into Walls and into Yourself. Eat Apples for points. Try to get High Scores. Important Notes: Turning, Practice Mode, Wall Length ************************************************************** ** <Left Arrow> key turns the Snake to it's left. ie. left relative to the direction the Snake is moving! This may be left, right, up or down relative to you. <Right Arrow> key turns the Snake to it's right. ** Practice Mode - Get used to turning snake left/right. You can press the <G> key for "God Mode" each time a game starts. In "God Mode" the Snake doesn't die when it hits Walls or Itself so you can practice turning. (No High Scores and World Records in God Mode) ** Wall Size is chosen randomly as 4, 6 or 8 (easy, medium or hard) each time a game starts. ** There are separate High Scores and World Records for the different Wall Sizes. You can use TurboWarp if the project is laggy on your device: https://turbowarp.org/564860590 Even without TurboWarp the project works so fast on my PC that I included code to limit its maximum speed to 8 FPS otherwise the snake is too fast to control. My PC is a second hand 2011 desktop PC with Windows 10 - i5 2400 processor 3.1GHz 8MB.

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