Online Tag!!                #games #appel #poliakoff #all #platformers #music

Online Tag!! #games #appel #poliakoff #all #platformers #music

by FEA1047

👁 71 ❤️ 1 ⭐ 1 🔄 3
Created: Jul 5, 2021 Last modified: Jun 9, 2022 Shared: Jul 5, 2021


2k game contest here - ALL ENTRIES RECEIVE A FOLLOW FROM ME!! Server 2: -- If you randomly end up being tagger, it is because the proper tagger left the game and I'm sorry if that happens Use arrow keys to move in this labyrinth game. Players with a green glow are fine but if they have a red glow they are tagger. If you're tagger, find and click on the other players so it is them. Thanks to @griffpatch for appel codes, cloud by me, 5 players supported at 1 time. There is no end but 1 red appel as a challenge Press 1-9 to chat: 1 - hi 2 - press 1-9 to chat 3 - yes 4 - noooo 5 - You got me :( 6 - Taggers produce a red glow 7 - I will get you 8 - run. The tagger is coming 9 - Can't catch me

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #490441132
Original Project
Project #60917032