Dp2 (Doodle Pad 2)

Dp2 (Doodle Pad 2)

by bwinder

👁 749 ❤️ 29 ⭐ 24 🔄 1
Created: Jun 14, 2021 Last modified: Jun 17, 2021 Shared: Jun 17, 2021


If you like this project, make sure to check out my profile to see other projects including the famous Smashy Bird Like what you see? Propose it to be featured: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/28715018/ Post your doodles, or see what other people made here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/522463/ Comment what you like about this project, or if there is anything I should do to make it better. It took several hours to create the original, then it took more to make the new and improved version. If you liked this project make sure to hit the like button, favorite the project, and then follow for many more projects to come. Check out the old version at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/320737804/ Experiencing lag? use the turbowarp link at https://turbowarp.org/544346205?hqpen&fps=60 CONTROLS Click to draw. Under the light grey line is a no-draw zone and it contains the following controls: Color buttons. A pink eraser button. A drag bar for controlling the paintbrush size. An X button for clearing the board. A Left Arrow for undoing recent actions. You can undo an INFINITE number of times. An up arrow to access a save code. A down arrow for pasting save codes. Contains 1662 blocks in the active sprite (several intermediate sprites available for you took look at) and took many, many hours of testing, redesigning, and tweaking. CREDITS All code by me, @bwinder #100% #Pen #Single #Sprite #Coloring #all #bwinder #bwinderpen #colouring #board #doo #2 #Doodle #Pad #ii #i #dooii #doii #do2 #1s #singlesprite #single #sprite #100 #100% #color #colour #Dp2 #d #p #2 #dpii ##

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