Word Bomb

Word Bomb

by Proudaazz

👁 3,505 ❤️ 20 ⭐ 13 🔄 0
Created: May 28, 2021 Last modified: Oct 25, 2021 Shared: May 30, 2021


! Audio Warning ! Song is "Spookeez" Instrumental by Stardust Tunes Wordbank by @peekaboo3 If you type in either: a non-word or a word that's already been used, it'll play the damaging sound. This does not remove any hearts, though. This was inspired by some Roblox game. Originally Started: May 29th Initially Released: May 30th Updates happen occasionally, usually adding words to the word bank Tags: #games #wordbomb


Name of the game is to type out a word containing the two letters shown on screen, and the same word cannot be used twice. There's a time limit though, so you gotta be quick, as timer gets faster the longer you play. You have two lives indicated by the two hearts in the top left, if the timer goes to 0 then you lose a life. Lose all two and it's game over. Press the left arrow key, comma, or < to backspace. I personally like the pixelated look to it, but if you want to turn that off press +. If you want to turn it back on, press -.

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