Embark - A Platformer For Scratch 3.0

Embark - A Platformer For Scratch 3.0

by SF_Project

👁 356,836 ❤️ 2,425 ⭐ 2,245 🔄 203
Created: May 26, 2021 Last modified: Jul 26, 2022 Shared: Jan 25, 2022


クラウドセーブが追加されています。いつでも続きからプレイできます。オプションでリセットできます。 1/25にHardモードが追加されました。Nomalをクリアするかオプションで変更できます。 NoseyNose様のScratch3.0で壊れた作品を修復したものです。 9/23 18:00 傾向1位です。皆さんありがとうございます。 9/28 ♡&★1000突破 謝謝! 1/25 参照数300000突破!! 1/31 ♡2000突破!! Thanks 最新クラウドセーブ(真) cloud save by samirin https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/373237455/ Embark - A Platformer by NoseyNose https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/114703763 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MUSIC~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Menu: Cider Time (Fastfall - Dustforce OST) World 1: Bloody Trapland World 1 The Plains Level Theme World 2: Super Meat Boy: Betus Blues World 3: Touhou Electronic arrange #101 World 4: Super Meat Boy: Dr Fetus' Castle World H1: VWSW DigitalEcstasy FULL Loop World H2: Metaric Child Stage Underground DeepAbyss World H3: 幻走狂想曲 霧の湖 World H4: Metaric Child Stage ConstructionSite Chasing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tag: #games#NoseyNose#samirin#cloud#Embark #SF#SF_Project#platformer


The original broke when it became Scratch 3.0. However, I wanted to play it like Scratch 2.0, so I fixed it. -------------------------- Complete with 4 worlds and a total of 28 levels, Embark will keep you playing for a while and will amaze you with creative level design and atmosphere. -------------------------- Cloud Save has been added! Leaving the page does not reset the game progress. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CONTROLS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RIGHT ARROW - Move Right LEFT ARROW - Move Left (unsurprisingly) UP ARROW - Jump ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #114703763
Original Project
Project #114703763

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