Friday Night Funkin Improved Test #3

Friday Night Funkin Improved Test #3

by Shmish21

👁 4,927 ❤️ 108 ⭐ 109 🔄 28
Created: Apr 30, 2021 Last modified: Jun 17, 2021 Shared: Jun 8, 2021


WASD/Arrow Keys to play.


Made a friday night funkin game on scratch that plays 10x better than the original projects. Also experimenting with features such as downscroll and mobile support Final Test: The Prioritized Inputs Test Now this test should see if the game can handle 1: A lot of arrows coming at one time. 2: Registers each input as a different one rather than it counting for 2 inputs when arrow are within the same time range. 3: How nice it feels to play.

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