MLB PFP+Banner Creator!

MLB PFP+Banner Creator!

by cubexp

👁 409 ❤️ 79 ⭐ 67 🔄 0
Created: Apr 22, 2021 Last modified: Sep 14, 2021 Shared: Sep 14, 2021


Thomos Astruc for directing this amazing show You for viewing this project! Me for all codings Google for Images @.Cupcakesuprise728 for the miraculous theme song @.Djaak0329 for some fonts and codes ➛About this project This Project contains 100+ Pic, So it will take time for Loading...... Go here for less lag - (Copy & Paste) Are you using Phone? You won't be able to create pfp but you will be able to create banner! To create a banner Press on the Text to change it. Press on the frame to change it. Press on backdrop to change it. ➛Keys to press Space key to hide banner text and frame. N key for next backdrop and P key for previous backdrop. Press D key when you're done.


Banners and PFP creater!! ➛Tips to make a PFP •If you're creating a PFP press on the space key in order to hide the banner text. •Then you can choose the photo you love of any character!! Press N for next backdrop and P for the previous one •Once you're done press the done button and take a screenshot, make sure once you press done you can't go back •After taking screenshot you can crop it by 500×500 pixels and 512KB then you can apply it. ➛How to easily crop? • (Go here) ➛Tips to make a Banner •First choose a photo you love,drag the text wherever you want •Set the colour and size of text •Press T to change the font •Press F to change the frame •Click done and take a screenshot! •Press N key for next picture and P key for previous picture If you make a PFP/Banner please credit me for it. Also please click ❤️&⭐, I really worked hard for it! You can comment below if any button is not working! Or You can comment which Character photos you want if it's not there! Also a bit of Questions Q1. What MLB/PFP means? Ans. M- Miraculous L- Lady B- Bug PFP Answer in the link mentioned below:- Q2. Can we remix this project? Ans. Ofc you can just credit me for it. Q3. Can we give suggestions? Ans. Ofc I would be working for it,also glad to hear those.

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