Fdy dusttrust simulator (phase 3 added)

Fdy dusttrust simulator (phase 3 added)

by lolwassup1234

👁 15,040 ❤️ 163 ⭐ 150 🔄 32
Created: Mar 27, 2021 Last modified: Mar 1, 2022 Shared: May 6, 2021


Alot of ppl wanted dis so :/ Fixed the dodges problem in phase 2 q: blue soul added adjustable heals! (go down for updates list) F: fight (didn't wanna put it in that long list of instructions lol, also you cant kill dust trust phase 3, get noob, it's a joke insult) h: heal (no u can't skip intros lol) 30 likes=phase 3, mafs B) also, phase 2 special gives sets ur heals to 1 :/ 1: skip to second phase (active after phase 1 intro) 2: skip to one dodges in phase 2 (activates the special attack) press 3 to skip to phase 3 Updates and stuff --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added phase 3 2. made it so when in phase 2, you can skip to phase 3 by pressing 3, and press 2 to skip to 2 dodges (so you can do the special attack, which requires one dodge to do) 3. as you may of already saw, added adjustable heals, i mean.. it IS a simulator. I will repeat this again.. I will NOT make a phase 4.


Phase 1 attacks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- z: bones throw x: 4 random blasters v: blue/orange bone zone s: spinning bone o: bone stab a: bone barrage u: blue and orange bones g: giant blasters e: bone rows b: bone row 2 w: bone row 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 2 attacks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- z: bone throws x: 4 random gaster blasters g: 3 giant gaster blasters a: bone barrage s: dual spinning bone u: blue and orange bones o: bone stab b: bone row j: slash r: random colored slashes k: random slashes p,n: slash barrage c: bone sliders d: special attack (only works at one dodge) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHASE 3 ATTACKS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sans attacks: z: bone throws x: gaster blasters g: giant gaster blasters a: bone barrage b: bone row o: bone stab e: bone gaps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAPYRUS ATTACKS (only activates after he gets summoned and finishes his speech) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p: disguised bones(you can see before they change green, what color the bone is) s: spinning bone w: random gaster blasters c: bone attack y:( MY SPECIAL ATTACK NYE-) pap stop breaking the fourth wall.. (can only use once btw)

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