Friday Night Funkin' Boyfriend Vector

Friday Night Funkin' Boyfriend Vector

by DimonKILL

👁 241,744 ❤️ 1,490 ⭐ 1,513 🔄 658
Created: Mar 8, 2021 Last modified: Jun 7, 2022 Shared: Mar 8, 2021


Updated Sprites from Remaster c2a, including developers of FNF itself. (SiIvaGunner for Game Over (Beta Mix), death sound effect and music upon ascending. (Original Song Name: Test)) No worries, it's just ketchup sound. Thx for all your support you're giving to this project. YouTube video showcase of it: Note: Stop questioning about LMB. It's an abbreviature for Left Mouse Button. Now shut up. #fnf #test #fridaynightfunkin #bf #boyfriendtest


Keyboard Controls: [UP], [DOWN], [LEFT] and [RIGHT] keys - Singing [W], [A], [S] and [D] keys - Misses (Not if Health Loss Multiplier is equal or less than 0) [Z] - Pose (set "Show combo if posing" to 1 to show your current combo.) [Y] - Thunder Fear [N] - Getting Hit Animation [C] - Dodging Animation [V] - Attacking Animation [Q] - Death [R] - Reset Health + Combo [E] - Reset Combo only [P] - Poison [U] - Mute/Unmute BGM [1], [2], [3] and [4] keys in order - "Ready? Set!? Go!" thing from original [,] - Use Special [.] - Mute Voice Track ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡ In G.O.S (Game Over Screen): [Y] - Accept Retry [N] - Deny Retry

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