Friday Night Funkin Week 6 - Monika (Sprites, Animations, +More!) (V2) (Duet Mode)

Friday Night Funkin Week 6 - Monika (Sprites, Animations, +More!) (V2) (Duet Mode)

by -Azurian

👁 36,286 ❤️ 898 ⭐ 703 🔄 50
Created: Feb 19, 2021 Last modified: Mar 29, 2021 Shared: Feb 19, 2021


Updated Notes: Please stop spamming simp in the comments, just respect someones opinion. Questions: cs2945802, Will you make a sonic one? (Maybe, Probably Not a chance tho since im working on modding fnf) Important Info From Azurian, (I'm Quitting Scratch but Im not quiting scratch) Please Spread the Word, My Account has been falsely Prevented by my Network from sharing comments or projects with the community or projects because it was used to break our community guidelines too many times. This is Extremely pathetic coming from a website to show positivity when I have done nothing wrong. I have gotten rid of it long ago and yet I'm being forced to live this way. I hope you understand that I'm ignoring your comments and questions for a reason. The Reason Why I Was Falsey Accused Multiple times was because I had my social email in one of my projects, but now that has been deleted since this was happening. Not Saying I'm Ignoring you, but I need to take my break to recover my own destiny, Which means that the series might be delayed but you have to find out and see. Thank you for being here to Support Me, Your support and dedication make me want to make more and more stuff for you guys. Your Support and Dedication Brought me to a league I never thought I would make it. But you, whoever you are made it happen. I Will Still make Updates for You, Just remember that I will not be able to talk to you until the situation is settled. Updates: The Project has Been Taken Down, So there is a High Chance that I will be able to recover. Although this may be an issue to answer your questions I can still change some games that I have that have nothing in them into full-fledged coding. Other News: My Youtube Channel! Go Subscribe for More! ✿Credit to Ninjamuffin99 & for the Game! ✿Check out Friday Night Funkin on Newgrounds! ✿Extra's Notes Down Below! Music - High School Conflict, High School Conflict (Distraction Remix) Crediting Rules: If you want to use the sprite then please credit me with also the mod! ✿The Models were redone by me You Can Find the Mod Here:


Sorry that I have not been updating this yet, I will probably do a small bug fix than a final update just so I can work on other cool stuff! ✿Monika Sprites & Moves✿ Propose to Get this Trending so Monika won't kill me! ✿ (Remix your Design!)✿ ✿(Goal: #1-40 on Trending)✿ Please Consider Following Me! I Do Amazing Work and Do Not get much recognition. ✿(Use Arrow Keys for Monika)✿ ✿(Use W, A, S, D for PixBoyfriend)✿ (Adding Dialogue at 200 Likes) - WIP ✿ If your Pc is Lagging then go Here: V3 News: ✿Fixed Cloud Variable Names ✿Fixed Bug where the Boyfriends idle would go way faster than was intended. ✿Cleaner Thumbnail ✿-Special Offers-✿ 200 Likes - Dialogue 100 Likes - Ballistic Whitty Sprites (Coming Soon) 999999999999999999999 Likes - Delete Thot Lol ( More Soon ) 6 6 6 Likes - Spirit takes Over! 5 5 5 Likes - Special Screen to Start Spirit

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