Full 3D platformer engine v1.21

Full 3D platformer engine v1.21

by GonSanVi

👁 3,202 ❤️ 219 ⭐ 178 🔄 4
Created: Feb 11, 2021 Last modified: May 2, 2022 Shared: Mar 5, 2021


Adding stuff, to make it a full 3D platfomer. Devlog: v1.21 ::: player doesn't "bounce" on ground, because of a bug in the check moving platform script that increased the y pos. v1.20 ::: player moves with platforms! v1.19 ::: fixed bug with the coin's z clipping v1.18 ::: a bit faster, and fixed bug when going up the slope and low FPS v1.17 ::: moving platforms v1.16 ::: even faster, optimizing collisions. v1.15 ::: fixed bug with delta time when fps is too low. v1.14 ::: added 3D lines. v1.13 ::: tried adding back face cuiling (failed) v1.12 ::: added hexahedrons, with fast collision detection (30 times faster than the separated tri collision) also, i removed boxes, because there were hexaedrons. v1.11 ::: added bouncepads v1.10 ::: fixed bugs with the collision with the box v1.09 ::: added boxes, with a fast collision detection with the player capsule v1.08 ::: fixed a bug when starting v1.07 ::: Improved a lot the collision system, and only very few collisions are checked (the important ones). Also, now you die when you fall to the void. v1.06 ::: added a delta time, so it works the same in fast and slow computers. v1.05 ::: a bit faster, by removing all the sqrts, and uing sin and cos pre-calculation. v1.04 ::: fixed bug when you picked a coin, and there were multiple coins. v1.03 ::: coins now look 3D, and you can pick them. v1.02 ::: added coins v1.01 ::: slope detection and a better wall collision. v1.00 ::: project released Credits: @ggenije for helping me with the deltatime gravity and jump. @bobojoeho for the tri fill, even if it is unshared. @-RlSEN- for the sphere to tri collision detection @pufferfish101007 for the idea of the sin and cos precalculations


Move with WASD, rotate with arrow keys. NOT mobile friendly. Play it here for better quality! https://turbowarp.org/486819568?hqpen&fps=60 Next: -Nothing

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