Google Minesweeper

Google Minesweeper

by FieryChicken

👁 101,186 ❤️ 3,595 ⭐ 3,180 🔄 154
Created: Feb 4, 2021 Last modified: Dec 20, 2021 Shared: Dec 7, 2021


One day, a fiery chicken googled minesweeper and played some minesweeper. The chicken thought that it would be cool to make it on Scratch. So, the chicken flapped over to Scratch and made it. It took the chicken a lot longer than the chicken thought it would take. Like, favorite, and follow for more fire! 12/14/2021 - I've concluded that the Easy Mode Best Time is not legit and reset it. Perhaps @Za-Chary or @canipleasebesomeone will be able to snatch this record? 12/10/2021 - Bug Fix for Hard Level, reset hard level cloud high score. Thank you to everyone who pointed this out! #minesweeper #google #games #game #all #high score #google minesweepr


Google Minesweeper but in Scratch. Google Snake! Click to shovel. Space to flag. Can you get the best time? Like and Favorite for Google Snake! ;) How to play minesweeper: Your goal is to uncover all tiles that are not mines The flag count tells you how many mines are left The numbers on the uncovered tiles tell you how many mines are around the tile (in a 3x3 box) You can press space to flag a tile as a mine (so that you don't accidentally uncover it)

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