doge stand testing game

doge stand testing game

by -Berm-

👁 560 ❤️ 35 ⭐ 39 🔄 0
Created: Jan 4, 2021 Last modified: Mar 18, 2021 Shared: Mar 12, 2021


Welcome to Doge Stand Testing Game! So after taking a very long time and placing 1450+ blocks of code, i am releasing a demo. NOTE: BEST TO PLAY ON TURBOWARP ( SO BEATDOWNS DON'T LAG Table of contents: ~Info ~Controls ~Stands ~Unfinished Stands ~Other ~Credits ----------------------------------INFO----------------------------------- Doge Stand Testing Game is a jojo game where you can control jojo stands but doge! Here, the characters are also doges. -----------------------------CONTROLS------------------------------ WASD To move, Q to summon stand. Controls for stand attacks will be there once you click the flag. -------------------------------STANDS--------------------------------- Right now in the game, the current stands that you can use are, "Hierophant Doge" "Doge platinum" "ZA DOGE" "Crazy Doge" "Hamon" (sorry no dogeified name) and "Golden Doge" Magician's Doge -------------------------UNFINISHED STANDS-------------------- Magicans Doge, Doge platinum, and Hierophant Doge (I guess) is unfinished for now. -------------------------------OTHER----------------------------------- Yeah, I know jonathan doesn't have a stand, but the reason why I made him have one here is because even though I had a "If variable stand = hamon forever show" but it wouldn't show unless you pressed Q, so yeah thats why jonathan has a stand here. --------------------------------CREDITS------------------------------- Araki for jojo Doge Platinum found on the internet. @-Derm- for editing doge platinum, golden doge art, and crazy doge art. @Plsgivemet0es for menacing thingy in josuke beatdown Tags: #JoJo #JoJo's #Bizarre #Adventure #doge #Crazy #Diamond #Star #Platinum #Magicans #Red #Hierophant #Green #Golden #Experience #Hamon #Za #The #World Warudo# #Doge

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