Sonic ring rush: A Mobile Friendly endless runner

Sonic ring rush: A Mobile Friendly endless runner

by Blue_Jay3

👁 21,443 ❤️ 1,018 ⭐ 958 🔄 70
Created: Dec 24, 2020 Last modified: Jun 30, 2024 Shared: Jan 1, 2021


PLEASE note that this game is best played on pc's and may suffer on some lower end devices Credits: The game you see now wouldn't be complete without: @Blue_Jay3 @MARTINELPLAYZ @hum_drum many thanks to @FlamingFoxProd, @Bunnynightfan, and @XStables (Probably the 3 best vector sonic sprite creators on this platform) for inspiration! @Sinaboo = blur script @NightCat28 = griffpatch engine (which i modified even further) @blusonic16 = 30th anniversary logo @Crashdance1357 = sega logo Got a few sound effects from: @sfgarrett @GamingForGold385 @SunkyTehHejhawg @dariusgamer123 @tomicool @apgonscratch @ZDUDE9 tags #sonic #ring #speed #platformer #Blue_ay3 #msvmontgomery #endless #fun #mobile #mobilefriendly #eggman #tails #knuckles #games #art #animation #easy #hard #vector #beach #jungle


Love>Favorite>follow>remix Happy new year everyone! this took all of December and more to develop with over 100+ hours of work! hope ya'll like it Lets get this trending! mission: -Get over 100 stars and hearts (done) -Get 20+ remixes (done) -Get 3000 views (done) -maybe get featured? (rip) WELCOME TO SONIC RING RUSH! In this game, you try to go as far as you can while collecting as many rings as possible. You don't lose your rings when hit like a normal sonic game so you definitely wanna pack a lightning shield or 2 sometimes (lightning shields do give you a double jump). As you travel, you are going to speed up making things harder and harder the longer you survive! Controls for PC W / space = jump S / Down Arrow = roll Controls for mobile click the jump icon = jump click the roll icon = roll OTHER STUFF For people that need a place to store their code for later, i have made a studio so you can put your saved data code there. if yall want to use the sprites for this game go here Game too slow? try to play it here

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