firemayro groove (Specialist Dance)

firemayro groove (Specialist Dance)

by FireMayro

👁 7,613 ❤️ 876 ⭐ 756 🔄 41
Created: Nov 17, 2020 Last modified: Mar 12, 2022 Shared: Nov 20, 2020


It lags the first time through. It should work fine when you watch it again If it's slightly off, press space to show the fine-tuning bar press F for some text lol also mobile just. crashes. it can't handle the fashion. so that's fun, too many nodes in vector sprites!!! I would've made a template if it weren't so tedious... You can try to remix but there's like 300 frames :| I left the original in the project so it'd be easier. But it'll take a while. Promise me. This. Is glorious. Finally. The Specialist dance. Persona 4. bonus trivia, guess what other franchise this dance is associated with. guess. you'll never he got moves i got moves groovin' Of course, the music is Specialist from Persona 4 #all #music #animation #animations #specialist #dance #persona #4 #get #mayrolled

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