3D fractal raymarcher & point cloud renderer [read description]

3D fractal raymarcher & point cloud renderer [read description]

by PeaBrainProgram

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Created: Jun 11, 2020 Last modified: Jun 22, 2020 Shared: Jun 22, 2020


This project basically combines two different rendering approaches to bring both real-time and high-quality 3D fractals to scratch. When you first start the project, it'll use point cloud rendering to draw a fast, but low-quality approximation of the fractal - you can move around that in real-time using wasd and the arrow keys, and also edit the fractal by changing the variables to the left. Once you have found a good spot, you can press space once to render a more detailed preview (also using point clouds, but with more points). From there you can either press space again to finally render a high-quality, raymarched image, or press any other key to continue moving around the low-quality approximation. - - - The raymarching part in this project is basically a remake of a raymarcher I programmed in Javascript and WebGL about a year ago; if you want to explore these fractals at a higher resolution and higher fps, you might want to check that out: https://peabrainiac.github.io/webglFractal3D/main.html Also, if you are interested in how all of this works, I'd recommend you to check out CodeParade's video about raymarching and fractals on youtube - he does a really good job at explaining how these kinds of renderers work, and that video is how I first learned to make these as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svLzmFuSBhk

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