Paper Minecraft Hacks (Power Client 1.5.5 RELEASE)
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Actual #1 Paper Minecraft Hacked Client! (Top Views) Hacks: r- Reach: Lets you place blocks 8 tiles away x- X-ray/Fullbright: You can see through walls and the floor v- Speed/phase: Walk faster and phase through blocks above level 0.1, also uses knockback exploits u - Fix armor/tools in hand or to do the illegal stacking dupe, which lets you go over the item stack limit to dupe items i - NoFall - Take no fall damage y- Jesus- Walk on water z- Regen: You regenerate at a rate of 1 health every 1 second. h- Anti-hunger: You don't lose hunger Saturation is set to 50 forever, but you don't regain hunger points already lost c- Creative: Puts you in Creative mode for quick access without having to go into the command menu 0- Teleports you to the nether, press 0 again or go through the portal to teleport back. g- Chunk reload! Reloads the chunk! It can sometimes glitch you out of a hole or into a block :) j - Teleports you to your spawnpoint, helpful when you've traveled a long way and want to get home. b - shows an extra mod menu that includes Smelting Hack, PassiveMobs, and Nosuffocate. Just hover over one of them and click to enable it, then click again to disable it! Smelting hack: smelt dirt into any item in the game, ask in comments for ID numbers. PassiveMobs: Most mobs won't attack you, unless you attack them. NoSuffocate: Don't suffocate in blocks or drown Extra features that aren't hacks: God apple (spawns rarely on trees), an elytra which lets you fly in survival mode, and the totem of undying which can be obtained from mining the totem of undying ore. Pigmen are now buffed up, don't pick a fight with them unless you're confident :) [1 to 9] - Select Item [Click] - Place or Mine [WASD] - Move / Jump [E] - Open/Close Inventory [E+hover] - Open / Close Chest, Crafting Table, Door [Space] - Drop single tile from a stack while dragging. [F] - Eat food [N] - Label a sign or chest [Q] - Drop item [P] - Pause / Unpause [T] - Talk / Command [O] - Save your game [M] - Music / Sounds
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- Project #10128407
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- Project #10128407
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