Scratch Bros MELEE

Scratch Bros MELEE


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Created: Mar 22, 2020 Last modified: Nov 25, 2020 Shared: Mar 23, 2020


You press 3, 4, or 5 to change your special as player one, and 6, 7, or 8 to do so as player two. This is currently functional for all characters except Metron, and will be available for every character except Club buddies, because There special is to integral to be changed out in my opinion. Wave dashing works just as you would expect it to, and works for every character, with Puffy's going the farthest and Medium Mike's having the shortest move speed.


To navigate the menu and play, use the arrow keys to move, Z to select, and X to go back. Z = Attack X = Shield Z + X = Special Holding a direction while attacking changes what attack you will do. Each fighter has a neutral, side, up, & down attack. If you press Shield and Attack at the same time, you will do a Special attack (you can also press C in single player modes) Each fighter has one special attack. -You can press Down + Shield to taunt. You can also press V to taunt in 1-player modes. Press space to pause. z

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #318927435
Original Project
Project #318927435