

by GreenScripter

👁 1,103 ❤️ 99 ⭐ 84 🔄 2
Created: Nov 15, 2019 Last modified: Apr 22, 2020 Shared: Nov 15, 2019


This was made by @MrLog except as noted in the original notes and credits. This version just makes the project run in scratch 3.0. The original project still runs better than this one in phosphorus: === Original Notes and Credits (By @MrLog) === PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS. thank you. This isn't nearly finished btw ;) No, this isn't a lot of costumes :P this is real 3D with surfaces + lighting etc. On Scratch. Blame my dad for the over complicated stuff though-- I'm aware the frame rate isn't brilliant. But if you are struggling with lag, then switch to a different browser. Firefox works best for me. And try changing resolution slider in options (you can even choose wireframe) ^_^ thanks to orcacat and Zangooser for the typing engine, that I got inspiration from :) Also, JTxt for the inspiration to allow pen saturation control. Too many updates to say, but yeh. Most of the game speaks for itself. The options are a kind of makeshift thing atm. But anyway, if you love it, do. This did take an awful lot of effort :P === End of the original Notes and Credits=== This is a remix, though as I had to use strange methods to extract the broken project it is not linked as a proper remix. Cloud highscores are currently broken for the same reason. Link to @MrLog 's original:


Ship controls: up, down, left and right arrow keys to rotate the ship A and D to roll the ship (double tap to barrel roll) W to accelerate (double tap to boost) S to move back space to fire a laser press P while playing to get at the options (see below) Aim: at the moment, it's just to kill other ships. In future, there will be more things (trading, missions etc...) Options: Wireframe on/off Resolution (slider) Star count (slider) Mouse control on/off Invert Y controls on/off Music on/off

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