Cloud Luigi 's Balloon World! マリオルイージオンライン

Cloud Luigi 's Balloon World! マリオルイージオンライン

by FunnyAnimatorJimTV

👁 77,410 ❤️ 4,726 ⭐ 4,361 🔄 85
Created: Dec 11, 2018 Last modified: Jan 3, 2024 Shared: Dec 22, 2018


HUGE THANKS to @lisa_wolfgang for 1. Figuring out that the dog was the issue with this project slowing down, and 2. Fixing the special platforms! :) ALSO THANKS TO @Will_Wam and @Robby_Blue for helping with a Turbo Mode Detector that doesn't use the timer! CREDIT TO NINTENDO EPD 5 for Character, Overworld and Gameplay Inspiration, Sound Effects and Music How to Play: - Luigi's Balloon World is a game where you can hide balloons for Scratchers to find or find balloons other Scratchers have hidden. - Walk up to Luigi and press Space to talk to him. When he asks a question, type your answer in the blue box and then press enter. - DON'T use capitals or punctuation when answering a question. - You can either play "Hide It", where you hide your balloon anywhere you want (press Space to hide your balloon), or "Find It" where you search for 1 of 5 balloons hidden by other players who played the project. - This project uses the username block to detect who hid the balloons. - 3 moons were added for extra bonus content. vvv ----CONTROLS---- vvv Left, Right and Up Arrow Keys to Run and Jump Jump three times in quick succession to do a Triple Jump (THE HIGHEST JUMP) Down arrow to Crouch/Ground-Pound Y to throw your hat, hold Y to home in Ground-Pound+Y to do a Dive Run, then Down+Up to do a Longjump Crouch, then Up to do a high Backflip Crouch, then Y to do a Roll (THE FASTEST WAY OF TRAVELING) Press B to get unstuck from a wall - Credit to Nintendo EPD 5 for the Character Inspiration and Music - Scrolling engine by @griffpatch - Mario Odyssey mechanics coding by me - All Balloon World-specific programming by me - All art by me Shoutouts: @LegoManiac04, @lisa_wolfgang #games マリオーオデッセイー マリオ ルイージ

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