Geometry Dash v2.2 Cycles

Geometry Dash v2.2 Cycles

by CrystalKeeper7

👁 2,090,535 ❤️ 10,087 ⭐ 9,070 🔄 930
Created: Sep 13, 2018 Last modified: Dec 27, 2022 Shared: Jan 7, 2021


Subscribe to me on YouTube for more game dev content: So, if you folks like this, leave a love, favorite, and follow me for more. THIS INCLUDES... Wave gamemode, Ship gamemode, Cube gamemode, UFO, and clean and easy code to work with. I also made the code more efficient and less of it, so the project is less laggy. Hope this helps. NOTES It has been waaay too long since I posted a geometry dash game. So, I was fiddling around in the editor and came up with this. If you look in the code, you can see that it has efficient and clean code, all modified by me. INSTRUCTIONS Up arrow, space, or click to jump. Avoid the spikes. In ship mode hold to go up, let go to go down. CREDITS @griffpatch for the original code. @hoppingicon for thinking up the wave. @chikomastr for making the first version of the ufo. Enjoy! CrystalKeeper7

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