New Super Mario Bros. U For Scratch

New Super Mario Bros. U For Scratch

by Brad-Games

👁 530,766 ❤️ 9,008 ⭐ 7,775 🔄 1,083
Created: Apr 3, 2018 Last modified: Apr 8, 2020 Shared: Jun 25, 2018


My most successful game ever/glitch game, New Super Mario Bros. Wii For Scratch, was shared around the time I was moving, so I didn't really get to pay much attention to it. It was also extremely glitch-filled. It used my old platforming script and had no momentum to it. All of this inspired me to create a sequel, which, as you can probably already tell, is New Super Mario Bros. U For Scratch! This sequel uses a better platforming script and overall better coding to reduce lag. So please enjoy! :D


Use the left/right arrow keys to move, and up arrow to jump. Jump on Goombas to defeat them, collect coins and don't run out of lives! Click on the green flag to start the project and press X to start the game. There is one level, but I may add more. (MAYBE.) Check out this project, you won't regret it!

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