3D Tearable Cloth Simulation

3D Tearable Cloth Simulation

by AiyanMind

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Created: Jan 4, 2018 Last modified: Mar 8, 2020 Shared: Jan 10, 2018


3D Cloth Simulation by @AiyanMind ====================================== Made using verlet integration (a method of calculating points with greater stability), feel free to play around with it. You won't break the game, I promise. ====================================== Instructions: - Use the mouse to swish the cloth around slowly - Don't drag mouse around too violently or else it will become unstable - You can enable/disable tearing - Press CTRL/CMD - M to enable anti-aliasing = smoother ===================================== Too laggy? Run it on sulfurous: https://sulfurous.aau.at/~sulfurous/#196070469 Due to the limitations of Scratch, the simulation could be even more stable if milliseconds were counted. ==================================== Credits: Based on a Tutsplus article on simulating tearable cloth.

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