CupHead: Wally Warbles (Remixed)

CupHead: Wally Warbles (Remixed)

by 20105118

👁 84,755 ❤️ 432 ⭐ 408 🔄 126
Created: Oct 26, 2017 Last modified: Apr 17, 2024 Shared: Oct 27, 2017


Basically I raised the difficulty of the original fight while adding in parrying and a super. ★Original version made by PizzaGut ★ CupHead and all the characters and music used here belong to studio MDHR. ---------------------------------------------------------- EDIT 12/8-9/17: The missiles are slightly nerfed, the baby birds were buffed, and the second phase of Wally has been added to have more variety too the fight! I can't thank you enough for giving this project over a thousand views! ---------------------------------------------------------- EDIT 3/6/18: Wally Jr. has joined his father in combat! Multiplayer has finally been added as well, it only makes since to bring a buddy if Wally is going to bring his!


Change between modes with the left and right arrow keys, and press spacebar to begin. CupHead Controls- ARROW KEYS TO MOVE YOUR PLANE SPACE BAR TO SHOOT (Or hold for rapid fire) B TO SHOOT MISSILE V TO PARRY MugMan Controls- W,A,S,D KEYS TO MOVE YOUR PLANE F TO SHOOT (Or hold for rapid fire) H TO SHOOT MISSLE G TO PARRY --------------------------------------------------------- ★ Full screen not recommended ★Tell me if you're experiencing glitches, I know they're out there.. Press the green flag until it runs smoother (if necessary) Wally Warbles and Wally Jr. (from Cuphead) Boss fight

Project Details

Remixed From
Project #178944041
Original Project
Project #178944041