3D Sine/Cosine Function

3D Sine/Cosine Function

by JereTheJuggler

👁 8,803 ❤️ 401 ⭐ 321 🔄 16
Created: Nov 3, 2013 Last modified: Jun 13, 2014 Shared: Nov 3, 2013


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Click the green flag and be amazed. You can also activate turbo mode by holding shift when you click the green flag. Try experimenting with the period and amplitude sliders. Click the green flag again and it will draw a different plane You can also change whether or not repeat is on, and if it is on how many times it will repeat. You can also change the pen size. You can choose to hide the settings with the "show settings" slider. Flip the "bring on the cat!" slider for a surprise You can also change the level of detail, but the higher the value, the longer it takes to draw. After changing most settings, you have to click the green flag for them to have any effect.

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