360° Spherical Image (pen)

360° Spherical Image (pen)

by MartinBraendli

👁 11,419 ❤️ 700 ⭐ 560 🔄 3
Created: Jul 1, 2016 Last modified: Jun 22, 2017 Shared: Jul 1, 2016


Drag with the mouse to look around. You can make your own spherical images: -You can edit the "get colour" block to draw an image based on the values of longitude/ latitude. - You can also import own images. Google for "Equirectangular" images and pick one that has a ratio of height:width of 1:2. Then use @DCPU-16's program to convert the image to a list: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12239448/ScratchTexture/index.html (offline atm, maybe i'll upload an own version). Save it as a .txt file and then import it into the list "map". Edit the variable "imgRes" so that it stores the width of your image. Then press "P" to package it (else it will be to big to upload). If you enter "Y" when asked whether to save it in 12-bit format, you loose a bit of colour, but your file gets half as big, which makes it easier to upload. Image is "minecraft panorama" by clavija / deviantart.com http://pre15.deviantart.net/81d0/th/pre/f/2014/159/3/e/3e1b87fec6fbcb570e591df0436cca38-d7lhw61.jpg

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