Lag Detector

Lag Detector

by Williamja

👁 6,478 ❤️ 135 ⭐ 118 🔄 27
Created: Jul 13, 2013 Last modified: Feb 12, 2014 Shared: Jul 13, 2013


I made this all by myself by adding 1 to "OldIS" forever, and every second setting "Internet Speed" to "OldIS" making it update the speed every second. Then I made a script to detect how much "Internet Speed" equals, and make williamja say something depending on how much you are lagging! P.S. ProdigyZeta7 says it's an FPS detector and he's right so I made it say FPS instead of internet.


Run the game, wait a few seconds, and see how much you are currently lagging! Why don't you post your speed in the comments? I wanna know what it is.

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