Ultimate classic sonic scene creator
credit to misteryt1 (myself?) for the original project. I got most of the sprites from: Deviantart Mystical Forest Zone The Spriters Resource Credit to: Cylent Nite Gardow Xeric Akuma Luke Damien Dolphman Perigi Sk8rhog Mikel SupaChao Gabriel Tomberry2k Keaton the fox facundogomez Hunter Inktheechidna @Superspongebobbros (NEXT UPDATE) Plokman Kajin the kitsune Golden Sonikku This was originally created before I moved accounts. I wanted to finish the project and share it on this account. UPDATE: (26/3/2017) Characters: Sonic has more sprites Robotnik has new sprites Espio has new sprites Blaze has more sprites Ray has new sprites Uncle Chuck has new sprites Tails has more sprites |New Characters: Tekno Turbo Robo the hedge Mr Needlemouse Queen Aleena
You see that little thing your hand is on? yeah, thats a mouse, you will need it in order to fully enjoy this project. This scene creator is different from others. Click each sprite for different costumes (and dragging sprites still works.) press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, s and r on your keyboard for different music Press "P" to stop the music. Click The Background to change it.
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